Sunday, September 18, 2011

Technological Diversity

One idea that struck me early in the reading of Blake's first chapter was his idea that dealing with technology as a, "single, homogeneous tool" is very unrealistic. I think that this single sentence and idea can go in many different directions depending on the experience and opinions of the reader.
Even though it is so early early on in my career I have been on countless interviews- all of which technology has been brought up one way or another, either by the interview committee or myself asking them what opportunities I would have to use it as a possible teacher in their district. As a foreign language teacher I have always found myself stressing the use of technology as a resource bringing authentic materials in the target language into the classroom. Different from Math, Science and English, the French curriculum makes it difficult to show the students that the content they are learning is real, and a way of life for many people in the world. Blake says, "The Internet is an ideal tool allowing students to gain access to authentic L2 materials; it might be the next best alternative to studying abroad."
Another way I interpreted this idea was that the Internet and other technologically educative resources allows students (as touched on in Mod 2) to express themselves using a tool that they are familiar with and comfortable using for social purposes. Blake describes this theory by saying, "The web gives all peoples a channel to express their voice, promote their self-image, and legitimize their goals." I think that it is important that students see the positive benefits and possibilities of the Internet and other tools through the example of their teachers in the classroom. Teachers can ask their students to continue this practice through the use of their classroom websites, blogs or online activities as homework assignments and projects.  Given the use of a familiar tool such as the Internet, students will see that they are able to use everyday tools to make the French language less foreign and abstract and more able to be related to in their lives.

Picture: student from Avon using the Smartboard to display his artistic abilities after school.

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

How interesting that one way or another technology was part of all your job interviews.